E.T. CONTACT: They Are here
Gods Among Us documentary film contains important and timely information on extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional contact and intelligence. We approach this delicate topic from the actual experiencer’s perspective as well as credible scientists studying this phenomenon.
We are pleased to introduce our new addition, the Gods Among Us blog page.
The Gods Among Us Blogs are an expression of the topics that are featured in our film, and the consciousness it holds also holds the space for you, so you may enjoy your own unique experiences. The blogs are based on real life experiences and authentic information shared with us by the people who have freely told us their stories.
We believe it really is time to wake up and start expanding our awareness to a multi-dimensional level. By supporting this project, we are also all supporting ourselves, as there is no separation you see! Please feel free to share the blogs you enjoy with others. Let's join together as one, and make a real impact here, and let's have fun doing it!
Discover The Missing Ingredients In Your "Creative Formula"
"When visualizing your dreams is not enough..."
The law of attraction is no secret, in fact the Universe has no secrets at all. Seeing as though the language of the Universe is energy (vibrational frequencies), this "attraction" has more to do with resonance. Energies that “match” will resonate with each other, and therefore be drawn towards each other. This energy match will result in a new creation, but the idea is to make sure that the creation you are manifesting, is one that is in alignment with who you really are, what you really want, and your higher purpose.
It happens a lot that people try their best to visualize what it is they want. You can make vision boards, you can stick affirmations all over your house, you can also change your passwords as a method to keep repeating your goals and intentions, or meditate on it for hours. But what if you do all that, and it still doesn’t work?
What if you have spent years dreaming of your ultimate goals, and giving yourself daily pep talks about how you can do it, “I can achieve whatever I desire!”, and you just keep experiencing “bad luck” repeatedly?
We received a testimonial from an Omnium student who had been trying really hard for years to finally create in an aligned way, and was just about to give up forever… until he finally realized what the missing ingredients were in his “Creative Formula".
This is his story...
"Ready to receive the message"
All I ever wanted was to experience freedom, and for me that meant financial freedom and abundance. I was tired of being so heavily in debt everywhere, yet instead of paying my debts off, I was just receiving more and more bills to pay. Relationships were failing all around me, my wife left me and my children didn’t even want to speak to me anymore. I couldn’t hold a job for more than three months and even when I did get a job, it was never one that I really enjoyed.
I spent time every day following the Omnium Universe classes, especially the ones on healthy detachment and abundance. If you know what you want you can create it right? Well, that’s what I thought, but then I found out that this is where my problem started. You see, a thought is only one ingredient in the Creative Formula. I had read Caroline Cory's book, “The Visible and Invisible Worlds of God” many times before, but this time I was ready to really receive the message.
"The four aspects of the Creative Formula"
I learnt that “Thought”, is the asking, the conscious choice and focus of my intent. This seemed quite clear. I wanted a long lasting loving relationship with a wife who is a perfect match for me. A happy healthy relationship with my children. I wanted to be free of all my debts, and also have plenty of money to live a care-free life and never have to look at the price on anything!
But the thing is, there are more important aspects when it comes to manifesting my thoughts and intentions into my physical reality! There is the aspect of “Desire” too. Desire is the fuel and the passion of my intent. Well at first I just concluded that this was no issue at all. My desire was strong enough! I wanted abundance in my life more than anything.
The next thing is “Belief”, and this means that I believe in myself, and I have absolute trust and faith in my potential to manifest my creations into reality. This is when I started to doubt, because I knew what I wanted, but I had to admit that there was a part of me that didn’t believe 100% that it was ever going to happen.
A final and really important aspect would be the “Surrender”. This is when I knew that I wasn’t mastering all of the aspects of the Creative Formula. To surrender means to fully trust and let go. It means I recognize myself as a co-creator, and realize that I cannot exist and create outside the Creator-Mind, or without the divine beings and forces of the Universe. I must therefore be assisted by the Cosmic Forces and Elementals who convert my thoughts into things.
"Finding out what is blocking your Creative Flow"
So you see, as described in the book…
“Thought without Desire Belief or Surrender will not materialize. Desire without focused Intent Belief or Surrender will not materialize. Most of all, Thought, Desire and Belief without Surrender will not materialize.”
To cut a long story short, I finally found out what my greatest block was. It was a decision I had made when I was a child, that I did not need anybody’s help and most of all not anybody’s love. I was so disappointed in love that I just decided to shut it out completely. I would take care of myself. Yet underneath all that was a deep sadness and loneliness and hunger for love. I wanted it, I wanted to feel loved, wanted to feel appreciated, but I just couldn’t let it in. I tried to fill that emptiness with material things, and I tried to fill the holes with confirmations from others outside of myself that I was worthwhile. Deep inside I doubted my self-worth, and since I cut myself off from the flow of love, self-love was an impossible mission too.
"Allowing the flow of Love..."
I gained the insight that what was also blocking my creation process, was a block on everything that followed after the “Thought” aspect of the Creative Formula. Even the desire part! What I truly desired in my heart was real love, and the desires I was expressing, actually came from a hidden lack of love. I didn’t believe that I would manifest my dreams, because in the back of my mind I just kept expecting everything to go wrong anyway. Surrender was certainly an issue. I wasn’t planning on surrendering at all, because I decided long ago, that I would be the only one in control of my life.
Once I worked on releasing all of these blocks on the different layers and levels of the Creative Formula, my life stared to change at great speed in a very positive way.
I decided that the decision that I didn’t need or want anyone’s love was very old, and an attempt to protect myself from the pain of disappointment and rejection. It was now time to open myself up to receiving love, but this time on a new Universal level.
I am experiencing self-love now for the first time ever, and I realize that allowing the flow of love in my life, IS self-love!
"Learn more about mastering the Creative Formula"
We hope this testemonial will inspire you to look deeper into yourself, and truly ask yourself the question if you are free of blocks on all levels of the Creative Formula. Never give up, being "stuck" is an illusion of the human mind.
As Caroline mentioned before, "When we become able to assimilate an original idea and its physical manifestation as one, we can materialize everything we think of instantly. At that stage, we are piercing through the veils of our physicality and thinking ideas into existence, without the human mind blocks. It can be as simple as that!"
If you would like to learn more about mastering the Creative Formula, please visit the "Perks" page of Gods Among Us, and you will find this online class series amongst our "contrubution packages". In addition to investing in your own personal awakening and consciousness expansion, you will also be supporting our film project Gods Among Us.
"Documentary Film by Caroline Cory, Gods Among Us"
GODS AMONG US is a documentary feature film on the extraterrestrial and non-human presence on Earth in both physical and non-physical form as well as inter-dimensionally. The film examines how contact and communication occur and their effect on the human consciousness as it evolves within a larger galactic citizenship. Leading scientists share their insights and laboratory research on such phenomena as telepathy, transfer of energy and interstellar contact between the worlds!
Thank you for all your unconditional love and wonderful support, we are so excited about this project and very happy to be sharing this journey with all of you! Enjoy creating in alignment with who you really are!
Infinite Love,
The Gods Among Us Team